About us

HB9ZZ is the club callsign of the "Funkbude" which is a subgroup of the AMIV (Akademischer Maschinen- und Elektro-Ingenieur-Verein) of the ETH Zurich. Our members are students, former students and other interested people. The number of members is not always constant, at the very moment we proudly count around 20-30 radio amateurs.

The club station is located on the roof of the ETZ building (electrical engineering), which provides, besides radio activities, a beautiful view to the lake of Zurich.

Postal Adress: AMIV - Funkbude, CAB E 37, Universitätstrasse 6, CH-8092 Zürich, Switzerland

Shack: Roof ETZ, Gloriastrasse 35, 8092 Zürich, Phone: +41-44-632 52 23

Our Station:

Antennas:   6 Band HEX-Beam (G3TXQ) with Rotor, Dipole 30-80m, Vertical (2m/70cm/23cm)
Transceiver SW: Elecraft K3, ACOM 1010 Amplifier
Transceiver VHF/UHF: YAESU FT-100D, TS-2000X
Antenna couplers: Sommerkamp FC-102
PC and software: Linux/Windows; N1MM+, Logger32, MixW